Certbot Manual Authenticator

This article is for your if you have following error while trying to issue SSL certificate using cerbot

Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support any combination of challenges that will satisfy the ca. you may need to use an authenticator plugin that can do challenges over dns.

In my case, may be it was because i had two different sites setup like this: example.com, {user}.example.com. User being username of any user that is within the system app. Example.com was responsible for Landing page, signups etc. May be this was the reason why certbot squaked while registering new certificates.

If you run into this problem you can run the following command:

certbot --authenticator manual --installer nginx -d *.soldd.co
  • This will open an interactive command prompt, From where you can manually create a dns entry on your domain’s NS server for authentication.

  • Notice the use of Nginx installer, This will update the server block. The prompt should ask you about which server block you want to update. Select relevant block.

  • Next question the prompt will ask is rather simple one. Whether you want to redirect all traffic to HTTPS from HTTP or not. Choose an option that works for you.